since 1993



    The heavy artillery started up in turn against Luzhkov

    The text from Evgeniy Minchenko's blog

    Nicholay Baskov complained that a year ago, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov has promised to give him a service apartment, but in fact he didn’t.

    But if without jokes, then these stories is really painful for the image of Luzhkov as "master, who held the city in his fist." I think it would be interesting to audit the mayor's orders - how often they run and how often they tape by the Moscow bureaucracy.

    The only successful strategy to combat Luzhkov - to show his weakness, but not strength, that he was not the master, but a decoration - wooden figure on the bow of the ship called the Moscow bureaucracy ", which worked closely with various mafias (or you can add the word "ethnic"). If Luzhkov has the fans, it is unlikely that Moscow bureaucrats have.

    However, there is a serious risk that "the struggle against bureaucrats and bribe-takers" can degenerate into a sort of unsystematic cleansing of the Yeltsin’s era.